Do you want to become a member?
This is not a network for people with perfect dogs. None of us owns the flawless dog either in type or detail. The co-operation goals only constitute a common vision and aspiration for what we want as a goal with our breedwork. It has nothing to do with the dogs we own today. What brings us together is that we strive towards a common goal. To preserv the breed with its arctic and working abilitys.
To become a member of the network, you have to complete this form. By joining the network, you also agree that the network handles and publishes this information.
This information and the text you leave in the form will be included in the presentation of you under the page where all members are presented, a member/breeder list (These pages are only open and visible to members of the network).
This is for the purpose of advertising our members and making it easier for our members to get in touch with each other in order to start cooperation across borders.
All members of the network need to approve the common goals.