Uncategorized images

Images that have fallen under the uncategorized category are images that we have not yet been able to trace to a certain era, expedition, country, etc. If you find more information about these pictures so we can move them into the correct album under different countries, for example, let us know and we will update.
Heather Salmon-Wilson
"Photos of my late Uncle Derek with his Samoyed, circa late 1940's or early 50's. (Long before I was born). When I was a young child I can remember my Granny telling me stories about these wonderful white dogs, and it is through her that I developed my love of the breed."
How the Samoyed husky searched for Sannikov's Land and helped the revolutionaries
"Now we can confidently say that the dog named Igolkin by Lyubov Vladimirovna Ergina is not rootless. Igolkin is a typical representative of the Samoyed Laika breed (now the Nenets Laika ), descended from the Ostyak and Samoyed dogs of the breeding center on the Sosva River. Igolkin worked selflessly in search of the ghostly Land of Sannikov, survived and became a secret postman for the protesting political exiles of Yakutsk.
Igolkin deserves to make the native Nenets Laikas proud of their extraordinary relative!"
1. Dokuchaev A. Ya., Krekhan G. R. et al. Outstanding Arctic researcher E. V. Toll in documents and materials of the Ore Petrographic Museum (IGEM RAS, Moscow).
2. Zyryanov P.N. Admiral Kolchak, Supreme Ruler of Russia Zyryanov. — 4th ed. - M.: Young Guard, 2012. - 637[3] p.: ill. — (Life of remarkable people: ser. biogr.; issue 1356).
3. Konovalova Elena. Nansen's supplier. - "Ural Pathfinder", December 12 (762), 2020.
4. Kuznetsov N. A. In search of Sannikov Land. Polar expeditions of Toll and Kolchak // Library of Polar Research. - M.: Paulsen, 2014. - 35 p.
5. Mostakhov S. E. Companions of travelers and researchers (Participation of the local population in the geographical study of North-East Siberia in the 17th - early 20th centuries). - Yakutskknigoizdat, 1966. – 211 p.
6. Obruchev V. A. Sannikov Land. - M.; L.: ONTI (Main Editorial Board of Popular Science and Youth Literature), 1935. – 316 p.
7. Sinyukov V.V. Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak: Scientist and patriot: at 2 o'clock - Part 1: The beginning of life's journey and Arctic research. - M.: Nauka, 2009. – 293 p.
10. Teplov P. History of the Yakut protest: (The case of the "Romanovites"). - Published by N. Glagolev, St. Petersburg, 1906. - 480 pp., 1 sheet. front. (ill.), 15 l. ill.
11. Toll E.V. Report from the head of the expedition, Baron E.V. Toll to the President of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich. - Reports on the work of the Russian polar expedition, under the command of Baron Toll. 1: - 1901. - 60 p., [1] l. ill. - Ott. from "Izvestia of the Imperial Academy of Sciences", vol. 15, no. 4, November.
12. Lintvarev V.V. Sled huskies of the Nizhne-Kolyma region. - "Hunting and hunting management", No. 12, 1956.
13. Sinyukov V.V. Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak: Scientist and patriot: at 2 o'clock - Institute of History of Natural Sciences and Technology named after. S. I. Vavilova RAS. - M.: Nauka, 2009.
14. Toll E.V. Sailing on the yacht "Zarya" / trans. with him. Z. I. Wittenburg - Moscow: Geographgiz, 1959. - 339 p.
15. Chikachev A.G. Russians on Indigirka: Historical and ethnographic essay. - Novosibirsk: Science. Sib. Department, 1990. -189 p.
16. Shirokiy B., Shirokiy O. Our northern dogs: Introduction to husky breeding. - Publishing solutions, 2017. - 558 p.
Dogs trained at Wolanancet for War 1942 British Newspaper Archives
Abstract...Ed Moody trained dogs at Chinook for BAE 2 and for WW2 during the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium . He said many of the dogs were pure white. Unfortunately it was mostly mud during the Battle of the Bulge.He had the unfortunate task in Belgium to kill many of the sled dogs...orders from commanding officers!
Dog at castle in Poland
These pictures are posted in the Samoyed history FB group. There it is stated to be a Samoyed, but we have not been able to confirm any more information about the dog.