Abilities which is typical of an arctic working dog
- Survive and function effectively at temperatures down to -50 degreesC without any artificial aids;
- Pull a lightly laden sled tirelessly day after day over vast distances in arctic/sub-arctic conditions and enjoy it!
- Survive and thrive on the bare minimum of food;
- Be intelligent enough to take instructions from the sled driver, but also independently minded and analytical enough to be able to ignore such instructions if they are likely to lead the team into danger;
- Survive and function comfortably at temperatures up to 35 degrees C
- Be capable of hunting and catching its own food if necessary;
- Be able to live happily with large numbers of other dogs with minimal friction;
- Combine an infinite capacity and appetite for work with an ability to sleep anywhere and everywhere at the drop of a hat;
- Be capable of jumping/climbing high fences, that's what an athletically built dog is capable of.
- Be capable of digging holes and escape tunnels worthy of "The Great Escape" or "Colditz"
- Be capable (if given the opportunity) of destroying almost anything in seconds, it's what a high-energy dog does to occupy himself if he's bored and needs to release energy.
Combine the characteristics of an iron-hard working sled dog with that of the softest lap dog. You will already see the difference in the dog's way of living his everyday life, which is also reflected in the capacity they have in the harness. This is a breeding issue to be able to maintain its basic conditions for hard physical work. If we breed calm, kind dogs without demands or needs, we will also lose the spark and the will to work.