Above: Nine men (Ole Must in traditional Lap dress) and two dogs on deck, Southern Cross, British Antarctic (Southern Cross) Expedition, 1898
History archive - Samoyed
International Samoyed Museum
This is for anyone who wants to research the breed

Here we collect images and texts that contribute to creating a historical archive about the breed. Many thanks to all of you who contributed to the narrowed material, writings and pictures.
This tab on the history of the breed Is structured like a blog with historical material about the breed. Text and images is structured by country, event such as the era of polar research, the time in Siberia, etc. Under the different subject lines, you will find a lot of larger image archives to browse.
If you have material that should be shared on this page, send it by e-mail to us and we will post it. Both as separate pictures and in a document (word + pdf) describing which dogs they, which year, country and the source
Responsible for cataloging and organizing the collected historical material: Camilla Nyström.

= Press on this this text when you see it at the bottom of the page to move on to the next page with more albums from different eras.
Amundsen made several arctic expeditions. This expedition with the ship Maud along the Siberian coast is the expedition in which he used a large number of Samoyed dogs. When he went to the South Pole, he used Greenland dogs. Also on this expedition there was at least one Greenland dog among a larger number of Samoyed dogs, which Amundsen...
A thousand days in the Arctic written by Frederick George Jackson about the Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition to Franz Josef land, 1894-1897. The breeds founders Kvik and Russ were dogs from this expedition. you can read this book online: https://archive.org/stream/athousanddaysin04jackgoog...
Georgy Sedov, Russian explorer.
Georgy Sedov, a Russian explorer trying to reach the North Pole, on board of the "Svyatoy Muchenik Foka", 1912. A Russian expedition that included Samoyed dogs.
The Samoyeddogs in Siberia before and right after the breed was established in the Western world
To better understand the origin of Samoyed dogs, one needs some background/history of the people and area the dogs are believed to have originated. What we think of today as "Samoyeds people" were not originally called that term, but it was a term the Russians used to group people whose language was the same or very similar. The Samoyeds of...