When the group "Samoyed History" was started on the platform FB, it was meant to help spread knowledge and understanding of what type of dog is actually closest to the correct breed type and what the dogs looked like when they came from Siberia. This is to help breeders around the world to be able to preserve the breed...
History archive - Samoyed
International Samoyed Museum
This is for anyone who wants to research the breed

Here we collect images and texts that contribute to creating a historical archive about the breed. Many thanks to all of you who contributed to the narrowed material, writings and pictures.
This tab on the history of the breed Is structured like a blog with historical material about the breed. Text and images is structured by country, event such as the era of polar research, the time in Siberia, etc. Under the different subject lines, you will find a lot of larger image archives to browse.
If you have material that should be shared on this page, send it by e-mail to us and we will post it. Both as separate pictures and in a document (word + pdf) describing which dogs they, which year, country and the source
Responsible for cataloging and organizing the collected historical material: Camilla Nyström.

= Press on this this text when you see it at the bottom of the page to move on to the next page with more albums from different eras.
Kerstin Eidlitz Kuoljok 1993. Nordsamojediska folk. Finsk-urgiska institutionen Uppsala universitet. ISSN: 1103-7024. ISRN: UU-FIUGR-SKR-1-SE. ISBN: 91-972104-0-4.Pèter Hajdu. The Samoyed Peoples and Languages. Indiana University. Haag 1962. Knud Rasmussen. Sibirien under zarmagt og sovjetstyre. Gyldendal. KøbenhavnSoja Sokolova. På reje i...
Brief summary of the origin of the breed
Above: Samoyed man with his dogs in Siberia
Abowe: The first picture is of the dog Houdin, who is behind many of today's Samoyeddogs, one of the founders of the breed of the so-called shorter-haired variant. He was considered to have a fantastic coat contributed to good coat quality in the breeding. This typ of dog is quite rare today due to the widespread fur and show breeding...
The Samoyed as a draft dog
There were Samoyed people who had different sized dogs for different uses. It is true that some had the dogs for reindeer herding and others for hunting and pulling work. The reindeer dogs was smaller and more like the Swedish lapdog. While the larger dogs (hunting and draft animals) were usually the ones selected for the expeditions from which...
I would like to share this summary about the breed name and what I found out about this in both Swedish, Norwegian and English literature. The breed was established as early in the Nordic countries, as in England. Something that many people may not know is that Sweden in cooperation with Norway was the first with a breed standard for...
CLICK on the image above to get to the document
CLICK on the image above to get to the document.
The term Samoyed
The term Samoyed was a Russian collective name for several ethnic groups, not just Nenets. There were, for example: Nenets, Enets, Naganasans, Sellkupers, (Ostijak Samoyeds), Sayans, Mansi and others. There have been many different explanations regarding the meaning of the term Samoyed. We have also understood that the people themselves do not want...