History - Siberian Husky

Here we collect information aboute the history that are specific to the Siberian husky. If you have material that should be shared on this page, send it to us who administer the network and we will post it. We want images both as separate images and in a document with text describing what they symbolize in world doc and PDF.  

The classic historical description of this breed claims that it is of pure Siberian origin. But it has also emerged through recent decades' DNA studies of the domestic dog's origin that today's Siberian Husky has an origin in the old Carolina dogs that were kept by North American Indian tribes. We will adjust this information when we know more...

"How the boy said, 'mama, I'm going to die,' and how she knew enough to say, 'no you aren't honey, no you never will.' How this boy could only stare back at his father and mother and why they lied."

Above: A crowd celebrates the Winter Carnival in Fairbanks circa 1940s. Includes scenes of children in thick parkas, and Leonhard Seppala with his dog team.

Togo was an awesome dog of the sub-genre of awesome dogs who pull sleds. He was musher Leonard Seppala's leader in the longest leg of the 1925 serum run to Nome, which brought diphtheria anti-toxin 674 miles to the ice-locked port of Nome, Alaska from Seward. Togo lead a team through whiteout conditions and ridiculous negative Fahrenheit...

Lorna Demidoff became interested in sled dogs while married to Moseley Taylor, who was the owner of the Boston Globe. Moseley purchased Lorna her first Siberians from the Seeleys, along with a dog named Tuck who was from the Mike Cooney/John "Iron Man" Johnson kennels in Alaska. Lorna became the first woman to win a race, finished her first...